About 1 million children in Europe grow up with one or both parents serving time in a correctional facility.
In Hungary, this phenomenon affects about 40,000 children. Their predicament is traumatic, leaving them financially and emotionally vulnerable. However, the severity of this trauma can be lessened through careful management of the treatment they receive at the time of arrest, communication at school and the setting during visitations. There are effective practices that can enable children to maintain a sense of dignity and help their imprisoned parents continue parenting. Maintaining strong family ties plays a crucial role in reducing reoffending rates and lessens the chances of children becoming offenders themselves in later life.
In cooperation with Balassagyarmat Prison and Correctional Facilty, The Tévelygőkért Foundation organises family visitations during which convicted fathers can meet their families under more intimate and relaxed circumstances. These occasions are obviously not idyllic but in comparison to formal visitations, these loud and lively events are a lot more valuable for both children and parents. The photographs were taken during these visitations.